What does defectivity mean in an ASML machine by ASML

As dr. of Chemistry and materials science Richard takes us into the world of defectivity, what is it and how important is it for an ASML machine.

Richard Bruls - Principal Architect at ASML

- Importance of defectivity and contamination control within semiconductor industry.
- Defectivity within ASML.
- Critical defect size.
- Contamination control approach (product lifecycle and defectivity chain).
- Clean parts strategy.
- Surface cleanliness – particles measurement.
- Examples how manufacturing and machining processes contribute to defectivity.
- Summary and conclusions.

Richard will try to give this extremely difficult subject a practical tone so that we can get a feel for it.

Below are some examples why you should not miss this story.

Particle contamination control = Defectivity

Particle on wafer front side kills one die, die is fully processed providing no value for the customer.

How to put critical particle size in prespective?

A human hair ~ 50 - 100 µm on 300 nm technology.

Defectivity and contamination control

This presentation can serve as a reference for the transfer of knowledge on this subject.

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